Friday, January 2, 2009

Caroline ( the Bloom)

Caroline (Bloom)



Among the thorns, a flower blooms

From smallest of buds, till now

When sunlight rushes to its call

Leaves whispering to know, just how


Could this be beauty, from rugged bush

Transforming to lovely, before our eyes

Through the storm clouds of darker days

To the peace of more brighter sky's


The warmth that bathed the started bloom

And pointed thorns that kept her charm

That hid her newness from the world

Crowdedly protecting her from selfish harm



A glimpse excited the garden in awe

As the bloom finally broke from its bed

For what the garden hoped to see that day

Was the beauty of a single bloom of red


In the days, the Spring of new life

She was the bloom all sought, so fine

And the gardener just smiled, as they gazed

At the wonderful beauty, of his Caroline



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I found you there.... Visiting Carnton Plantation here in Franklin I found the name of a confederate soldier from South Carolin...