Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Moon Light Beauty

Moon Light Beauty


Awakened by the thought of night
She claims darkness as her right

In the silhouette of a moon so round
She is alive in this brightness found

The burst of light from a full moon born
Where passion awakens and timidity mourns

This is her place as her dark hair rest
Her open blouse and soft sweet breast

Beauty flourishes on this kind of night
Hoping to enjoy in her lovers found sight

Caressed by him only in this power trance
Wishing he sees her in a moonlit glance

She appears from her dwelling in hopeful anguish
Praying to fate that her love does he cherish

In only a dream was the threat once conceived
That she would lose him by a whisper deceived

But as to then the night moon shined bright
He will come to fill her emptiness this night

To whom every she prays she now hopes for a sign
As he enters her view they have heard her this time

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I found you there.... Visiting Carnton Plantation here in Franklin I found the name of a confederate soldier from South Carolin...