Saturday, January 3, 2009

Lyre's lament

Lyre’s(Liars) Lament


A lyre’s lament
That plucked the string
Out flew an off key note
This liar's comment
In bitter rant
Out flew an empty quote


An easy yoke
Upon my back 
To plow the fields I've sown
In keeping with 
The proverbs path 
I reap the fruit alone


Where is the end 
To this recourse
That presses the boot so hard
There is no end
To my remorse
No longer to hold the card


I am trapped 
In loves grip
It's beauty to cage me there 
In my cell
Not all alone
But with two felon's do share


Was me and I 
That conceived the crime
The sentence passed so true
It was those bastards
That had no thought
Five victims two plus you


So as it ends
This liar's lament
Notes ringing out in chord
Resolved the debt
The price I pay 
Our love could not afford


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I found you there.... Visiting Carnton Plantation here in Franklin I found the name of a confederate soldier from South Carolin...