Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Night and Day

Night and Day...


In the fog of misty dawn
Light gently wanting to touch 
Into the remnants of her time
She struggles to not let go
Hanging on to her elegance
The time that she will share
With those whom enjoyed her beauty
Those who would have the chance
The moon and the stars all swooned
Dancing in this time all hers
Exhausting all joy in her arms
Knowing that their time was short
Others played within her breast
Not really knowing her love at all 
In the bliss of loving ignorance
No discovery of her beauty's charm
She had not one selfish thought
No praise she needed to receive
Gladly she enjoyed their companionship
Smiling as she realized her voyeurism
How she wished she was as
Those she gazed at in silence
Enjoying her lover's long embrace
Not moments shared just twice
For it is resigned she is cursed
Though her beauty is so matchless
For the misty fog that greets her.. Day
Are the tears of his love, Night’s glances



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I found you there.... Visiting Carnton Plantation here in Franklin I found the name of a confederate soldier from South Carolin...