Sunday, June 21, 2015

Charleston Shootings and historic figures.

This is a moment I wrote to a story on Yahoo News. The discussion was about Dylan Roof and another man who planned to murder white people and burn Charleston, Denmark Versey. One tragically succeeded and the other a minister of Christ failed. One is a villain to Yahoo News ( and rightly so) , but one is a hero. Both are villains!

My comments

Let me get this correct, this story vilifies  (and rightly so) one mass murderer, but would glorify another who planned to carry out an even BIGGER mass murder of people ( VERSEY) . The people in Haiti did revolt,killed every white person horrifically, and now live a nation that is the excrement of the Western Hemisphere,and that is exactly what this statue of Versey represents.But I would never call for it to be taken down, but to learn the true history of the man it portrays, as I would any statue of a historic figure.

Slavery was a world wide institution from the dawn of mankind, it still exist today in Africa, and the Middle East, in countries that espouse a particular religion. Yet, I see none of the people enraged by what happened in Charleston doing anything about slavery today, they like returning to a time deep in our past. I suppose it gives their life some type of validity.

Go to a Habitat for Humanity build, you will find almost exclusively white folk building. When black children are abandoned by their mothers,it is mostly white folks caring for them. This is a good thing, because people need help. But please stop living in this myth that people are out to get you because the color of their skin, it is grossly over exaggerated. The attitude is rare within my "community" , rare.

The people of Charleston, and I am from the Low Country are beautiful people, quick to forgive, quick to encourage, quick to come to the aid of those in need. This is no myth, this is real, and it is real because in this region of the country, for all our faults maintains a strong and deep abiding Christian faith, not perfect by far, but real,relevant, and pervasive.

White and Black folks are different, we see the world different, but if we impress ourselves to the Christian duty of civility, just maybe we can fulfill the mandate of the Gospel in our own lives and that of our dear South.

History is history we should not negate or resign to it, but learn from it.

Yahoo news, your world is upside down. You glorify immoral behavior, gang violence , you propagate violence when ever possible. 

I found you there.... Visiting Carnton Plantation here in Franklin I found the name of a confederate soldier from South Carolin...