Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Emmaline is the BIG 6!

 TODAY Emmaline is  6years old and we will be feasting and enjoying a big family day of fun. What my life would be without her, I can't even imagine.She is the sweetest , most caring person in my life, and she inspires our entire family to be a little kinder to everyone each day. God gives gifts to men, and every moment I know tangibly that she is his gift to me. Thanks be to GOD!

Cotton Pillow

I gazed upon an angels face
As she rested upon her pillow
Thinking with most covetous eyes
Never one mental frame would I dare share
For there on that cotton resting place
The purest of creamy skin, flowing blond hair
Eyes of clearest blue, opening for just a moment
She dreams of creatures, places, I've long forgotten
The toss of her head from side to side
I am arrested in my heart, thinking she may wake
Resolved in my selfishness,
Knowing this heavenly voyeurism would be over
I find myself casting my voice toward the divine
Hoping to be heard in the only request I have today
  "Please, let this time, these images be suspended forever, to be captivated in safe retreat in my mind."  
   Allow death to come before a thief, as time or decay robs me of what I have witnessed today.
The purposeful image of divine imagination
Resting on a humbled man's cotton pillow.....

I found you there.... Visiting Carnton Plantation here in Franklin I found the name of a confederate soldier from South Carolin...