Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Remembering the Low Country of South Carolina

These last two posts are a reflection into the world that I still call home. I grew up in Beaufort, S.C. from the age of three until I was about eleven. It was during the Vietnam War and my dad was a lifer Marine ( Siemper Fi), he is buried there. It is the fondest place I know and although it has been a lifetime since I lived there, it will always be home.
She calls for me……
She calls for me on sand she lays
From an old light house in starry gaze
Tall sailing ships with sturdy mast
Warriors shouts who's fate was cast
She calls for me from way back when
Tabby forts and rivers bend
Bare foot boys on hot sandy ground
Boyhood friends all gathered round
She calls for me from childish past
Sandy beaches and wiregrass
Blue crabs caught on a single string
Up from the bottom shiny and clean
She calls for me in my mind today
Rescues me from world gone astray
Spanish moss on ancient oak trees
She beckons me my "Low Country"

I found you there.... Visiting Carnton Plantation here in Franklin I found the name of a confederate soldier from South Carolin...