Sunday, January 25, 2009

When I am over,,,,

When I am all over
Where will I be
Who will remember
To make my  immortality

Will you, you, or you
Remember with a gentle smile
As the memories rush
Walking past in single file

Well what if I'm still here
You just don't see me as much
We don't meet in places often
You never call me for lunch

Will it be my children
That remember me in time
When once they rolled eyes
Will they now ponder my rhymes

Perhaps it will be my love
Or those that once loved me
Maybe she won't cry so often
As years pass and heartache flees

There is so much to who we are
In this brief span of existence
Not in homes , wealth, or play
More to a life that ends in an instance

Of course it might not end at all
Just change the nature of
Maybe, just maybe friends
There is a Creator above

Who will change this mortal body
Into something brilliant someday
And in the moments of eternity
At our leisure we will play

Explore all the Universe
Like you did as a kid
Not in fanciful dreams
When childish games you hid

No maybe , just maybe all
There is a much bigger view
Don't cry for me.. I'm immortal!
And just maybe, you can be too.....

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I found you there.... Visiting Carnton Plantation here in Franklin I found the name of a confederate soldier from South Carolin...