Thursday, January 22, 2009

Love dried and withered…

This was written a lifetime ago… Is not the way I feel today…not at al


Love dried and withered…

My heart poured out
Till every last drop was gone
An abandoned man in the desert sun
With pitcher tipped hoping for at last
A taste of moisture that never comes

Is my love so bitter
You thirst for it no more

My soul so withered away
Till every last blossomed peddle gone
The lonesome gardener out alone
Out in the burst of winter cold
Trying to save the last glimpse
Of summer color attached to the vine

Has my love not been hardy enough
To last through the chill of your hand

Where can I go at last
What can I do for you
Can our love escape the desert
Could I have tended this garden better
Is my failure the cause
For such a lonely heart

A thousand regrets would not be enough
To quench your thirsty heart
Or open the flowery blossom of your soul

May it just be the hope of rain
Or the warmth of a spring day
That miraculously opens your heart
Filling your soul with my love again...

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I found you there.... Visiting Carnton Plantation here in Franklin I found the name of a confederate soldier from South Carolin...