Monday, January 19, 2009

Becoming ..ME



As I remember the hands that pushed me this way
Along the path that I would not have chosen
It was in the subtle nudge of less tranquility
That brought about the movement of my heart
Sometimes in anguish and collapse I felt the nudge
And though I would not budge from my comfort
You moved the world to bring me to this moment
Disaster and tragedy where sometimes your tools
Joy and harmony the instruments of providence
Landscaped in a panoramic purposeful view
This moment was birthed and I am the better man
Not by internal design, but from the hammer of the sculptor
Through the sharpness of the chisel time was shaped
Thankfully through the glance of a mirror I see
What and who I was destined to become...."ME"



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I found you there.... Visiting Carnton Plantation here in Franklin I found the name of a confederate soldier from South Carolin...