Monday, January 12, 2009




I just sit here with my thoughts alone

Things racing through my brain at random

No contemplation can ever contain it


I hate being so open in my thoughts today

Though to retain them would make me insane

Well maybe a little more than I already am


The twisting of the hair brings back so much


I grin as my phone rings again and again

To be so needed is such a great pleasure

A burden that I will gladly accept always


We and I sit and" people watch" together

I imagine the universe that others live in today

This play that is designed just for the casual

Observing in the most intimate of all details

Without script the actors work upon my stage


Freedom to think, to reason, and to speak

Forgive-less in its passion to be known and felt

What is behind the smiles of the day well spent?

It is the hope to be noticed in the wonders of the "MEANT"



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