Sunday, January 4, 2009

Happy Thoughts

Happy Thoughts


So today we think of happy thoughts
Those memories that make all fly
Sprinkled in her endless fairy's dust
Just that Tinker Bell and I


Where boyhood thoughts run the maze 
From pirates , Indians, and  cowboys
Playing always and eating their fill 
Imagine yourself as one  "LostBoy"


You know that, you wish you could
Be as those that time had missed
To live the very beginning of love
Where you remember perfectly kissed


So go ahead and dwell right there
It  is your special day reserved
The brightest of your beautiful dreams
With covetous hands always preserved


Now run the maze through your mind
As once you observed others delight
This rhyme is for the "you" who must love
Who would dance and play in plain sight....

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I found you there.... Visiting Carnton Plantation here in Franklin I found the name of a confederate soldier from South Carolin...