Thursday, January 8, 2009

Sleeping Beast

Today the darkness returns

In unrelinquished wintry cold

It moves throughout the soul

Shadow narrowing continually

Pointing toward the forgotten

Darkly entering that smallest of cracks

Chillingly awakening that which slumbered

Terrible and thrilling eyes open wide

Up from an almost rememberless tomb

The beast moves quickly toward freedom

Aware only a forceful rapid escape

Will exhaust the momentum to resist

Alert to the movement now within

Stunned that the evil is now stirred

Understanding the peril of the moment

The keeper of this smallest of cracks

Quickens to the glow of the sun

Hurrying with much hast toward the warmth

Bathing the opening in the brightening light

Returning the beast back to an uneasy sleep.

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I found you there.... Visiting Carnton Plantation here in Franklin I found the name of a confederate soldier from South Carolin...