Saturday, January 31, 2009

Power of You

Power of You

It is with great pleasure that my mind was trapped
Between the creative and the knowledge gapped

In the contemplation of my thoughts today
Was the strayest of arrows shot my way

In retrospect it was what I needed
Though my heart gave chase begged and pleaded

In melancholy not here nor there
My eyes glazed over in the strangest of stares

But to look behind can bring great insight
So open and thinking  my mind went to flight

I composed and I exposed all the feelings within
It was just a fragmented thought about to begin

But all this mental struggle prodded me on
And by the time it completed the fragment was gone

It had built into a statement a creed of some sort
And I have an idea of original origin to report

In mental blockation ,which is not really a word
Can come great personal awareness that may never had occurred

So when posed with this problem and if you even do
Open your mind and understand the power of you...


Friday, January 30, 2009

Thoughts that I’m sending…….

Thoughts that I’m sending…….



Breaking away
Searching anew
Looking for answers
Finding a few
Knowing the question
Before it is asked
Knowing the outcome
The purpose now masked
Amazed in a problem
The solution yet found
Hearing the music
The query of sound
Philosophy of learning
Quest for to know
Inquiry of manners
Answers come slow
Purpose of living
Always never ending
Constant for now
Thoughts that I'm sending


Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Moon Light Beauty

Moon Light Beauty


Awakened by the thought of night
She claims darkness as her right

In the silhouette of a moon so round
She is alive in this brightness found

The burst of light from a full moon born
Where passion awakens and timidity mourns

This is her place as her dark hair rest
Her open blouse and soft sweet breast

Beauty flourishes on this kind of night
Hoping to enjoy in her lovers found sight

Caressed by him only in this power trance
Wishing he sees her in a moonlit glance

She appears from her dwelling in hopeful anguish
Praying to fate that her love does he cherish

In only a dream was the threat once conceived
That she would lose him by a whisper deceived

But as to then the night moon shined bright
He will come to fill her emptiness this night

To whom every she prays she now hopes for a sign
As he enters her view they have heard her this time

Monday, January 26, 2009

I am here....


As the sun sets on my Tennessee hills
In the most magnificent array of colors
The Sun's light breaking the spectrum in perfection
Oh the beauty of and majesty of creation
The slightest shade changes of orange, red, blue, pink and violet
How could this all be arranged in randomness
There is no logic to that kind of perspective
And if there was what a tragedy to live there
No forethought or afterthought in this splendid design
Random chance that this beauty is just happenstance
Who is the bigger fool or the one with the most faith
If we push hard into the recesses of our mind we can not escape
There is a purposeful design in the beauty of a sunset
It is arrayed to show forth in the most brilliant way that we are not alone
Whatever, whomever, and for whatever purpose
The designer shouts as the sun disappears behind the crest of the horizon..
I AM HERE..............

Sunday, January 25, 2009

When I am over,,,,

When I am all over
Where will I be
Who will remember
To make my  immortality

Will you, you, or you
Remember with a gentle smile
As the memories rush
Walking past in single file

Well what if I'm still here
You just don't see me as much
We don't meet in places often
You never call me for lunch

Will it be my children
That remember me in time
When once they rolled eyes
Will they now ponder my rhymes

Perhaps it will be my love
Or those that once loved me
Maybe she won't cry so often
As years pass and heartache flees

There is so much to who we are
In this brief span of existence
Not in homes , wealth, or play
More to a life that ends in an instance

Of course it might not end at all
Just change the nature of
Maybe, just maybe friends
There is a Creator above

Who will change this mortal body
Into something brilliant someday
And in the moments of eternity
At our leisure we will play

Explore all the Universe
Like you did as a kid
Not in fanciful dreams
When childish games you hid

No maybe , just maybe all
There is a much bigger view
Don't cry for me.. I'm immortal!
And just maybe, you can be too.....

Friday, January 23, 2009

Love in the middle…….

Love in the middle…….


In the beginning is where love starts
End the end is where love finally parts
The middle ground is where love flies
Where heartache endures through restless cries
The joy of the future turns over our ears
With endless pleasure and joyous tears
For a moment in time where memories live
We are losing ourselves and do nothing but give
Could this be where treasured love should dwell
Or are we throwing coins into our wishing well
Well maybe we are inclined to this "Never-land"
Where love never grows up, but will only expand
But a good state of being is a good place to be
So, I'll live in loves middle paused in eternity..



Thursday, January 22, 2009

Love dried and withered…

This was written a lifetime ago… Is not the way I feel today…not at al


Love dried and withered…

My heart poured out
Till every last drop was gone
An abandoned man in the desert sun
With pitcher tipped hoping for at last
A taste of moisture that never comes

Is my love so bitter
You thirst for it no more

My soul so withered away
Till every last blossomed peddle gone
The lonesome gardener out alone
Out in the burst of winter cold
Trying to save the last glimpse
Of summer color attached to the vine

Has my love not been hardy enough
To last through the chill of your hand

Where can I go at last
What can I do for you
Can our love escape the desert
Could I have tended this garden better
Is my failure the cause
For such a lonely heart

A thousand regrets would not be enough
To quench your thirsty heart
Or open the flowery blossom of your soul

May it just be the hope of rain
Or the warmth of a spring day
That miraculously opens your heart
Filling your soul with my love again...

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Power of Today.....

The power of Today……



Today is what tomorrow hopes for
What yesterday dreamt about
What right now never imagined

Today used it's power over right now
To eliminate what could never be
And never thought about the consequences

Today made a complete mockery
Of what yesterday decided to do
Filling the day with what must be

Today used tomorrows weakness
Making a wish so big and outrageous
That tomorrow was left impotent to fulfill

Today held "Time's" treasure in it's hand
Refusing to let the other's take a peek
And had no regrets

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Rush…..

The Rush
of the beat of my heart
the Blush
in your cheeks as we meet
The Crush
from the moments we've spent
The Brush
of your skin next to mine
The Flush
of emotion released as we kiss
The Hush
as we dare not utter ….."goodbye"



Monday, January 19, 2009

Becoming ..ME



As I remember the hands that pushed me this way
Along the path that I would not have chosen
It was in the subtle nudge of less tranquility
That brought about the movement of my heart
Sometimes in anguish and collapse I felt the nudge
And though I would not budge from my comfort
You moved the world to bring me to this moment
Disaster and tragedy where sometimes your tools
Joy and harmony the instruments of providence
Landscaped in a panoramic purposeful view
This moment was birthed and I am the better man
Not by internal design, but from the hammer of the sculptor
Through the sharpness of the chisel time was shaped
Thankfully through the glance of a mirror I see
What and who I was destined to become...."ME"



Sunday, January 18, 2009

end of day

THis was the very first thing I ever wrote.... without being told by a teacher I had to write it

end of day….


The struggles of today behind us and the anticipation of the wonder of tomorrow we say goodbye to the last bit of light and gently close the gateway to reality as we long for the dreams that give us hope for those things which we dare not speak to those who would only snatch them away in order to rob us in jealous regret for their own lack of imagination.....




Wednesday, January 14, 2009




The brightest star on a moonless night

The flutter of angel’s wings brushing you

Queerest of sounds breaking the silence

Victor's hand to the vanquished after struggled fight



A grin, when silly is the last thing you expected

Wink of the eye from a beautiful stranger

Cool glass of water from the cup of a foe

Sweet hello from a lover rejected



The unanticipated at the strangest times

In the forgetfulness of mercy brought

To the place of a hopeful sigh

In the smallest of joys, Omnipotent signs




Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Night and Day

Night and Day...


In the fog of misty dawn
Light gently wanting to touch 
Into the remnants of her time
She struggles to not let go
Hanging on to her elegance
The time that she will share
With those whom enjoyed her beauty
Those who would have the chance
The moon and the stars all swooned
Dancing in this time all hers
Exhausting all joy in her arms
Knowing that their time was short
Others played within her breast
Not really knowing her love at all 
In the bliss of loving ignorance
No discovery of her beauty's charm
She had not one selfish thought
No praise she needed to receive
Gladly she enjoyed their companionship
Smiling as she realized her voyeurism
How she wished she was as
Those she gazed at in silence
Enjoying her lover's long embrace
Not moments shared just twice
For it is resigned she is cursed
Though her beauty is so matchless
For the misty fog that greets her.. Day
Are the tears of his love, Night’s glances



Monday, January 12, 2009




You pull me back

You push me on

You darken paths

All have known


Without your curse

Without that pain

Without that tug

None could explain


Hated by some

Loved by all

Feared by those

Whom obey your call


Pulled and pushed

Beaten to pain

Never forgotten

By those that complain


But you fear too

A common table

Set before them

Your victims able


Those that remember

Those that won’t forget

Those who seek forgiveness

From lives of regret


You received yours

Many years past

Now just a shadow

Does your power cast


I’ll eat the bread

I’ll drink the cup

I’ll break the chain

With Him I will sup


For “Sin” now go

You must leave

No one to catch

In the web you weave





I just sit here with my thoughts alone

Things racing through my brain at random

No contemplation can ever contain it


I hate being so open in my thoughts today

Though to retain them would make me insane

Well maybe a little more than I already am


The twisting of the hair brings back so much


I grin as my phone rings again and again

To be so needed is such a great pleasure

A burden that I will gladly accept always


We and I sit and" people watch" together

I imagine the universe that others live in today

This play that is designed just for the casual

Observing in the most intimate of all details

Without script the actors work upon my stage


Freedom to think, to reason, and to speak

Forgive-less in its passion to be known and felt

What is behind the smiles of the day well spent?

It is the hope to be noticed in the wonders of the "MEANT"



Thursday, January 8, 2009

Sleeping Beast

Today the darkness returns

In unrelinquished wintry cold

It moves throughout the soul

Shadow narrowing continually

Pointing toward the forgotten

Darkly entering that smallest of cracks

Chillingly awakening that which slumbered

Terrible and thrilling eyes open wide

Up from an almost rememberless tomb

The beast moves quickly toward freedom

Aware only a forceful rapid escape

Will exhaust the momentum to resist

Alert to the movement now within

Stunned that the evil is now stirred

Understanding the peril of the moment

The keeper of this smallest of cracks

Quickens to the glow of the sun

Hurrying with much hast toward the warmth

Bathing the opening in the brightening light

Returning the beast back to an uneasy sleep.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Pleasures Light

Pleasures Light

To this again, I must write
And choose the path, in pleasures light

Where love is easy, should be always
The touch of night, as in happier days

Tenderest taste of skins on skins
When not just lovers, but more as friends

To share the simple path of peace
In clearer conscience complex release

Where is the end, to a beginnings start
Now true love's desire, would surely not part

To be in love, reflected in the distant
Of a mirror image, destroyed in an instant

By a simple stones throw, that skimmed three times
And the beauty of poems, and well read rhymes

So again the path in pleasures light
To passion, to desire, and to a love that's right

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Happy Thoughts

Happy Thoughts


So today we think of happy thoughts
Those memories that make all fly
Sprinkled in her endless fairy's dust
Just that Tinker Bell and I


Where boyhood thoughts run the maze 
From pirates , Indians, and  cowboys
Playing always and eating their fill 
Imagine yourself as one  "LostBoy"


You know that, you wish you could
Be as those that time had missed
To live the very beginning of love
Where you remember perfectly kissed


So go ahead and dwell right there
It  is your special day reserved
The brightest of your beautiful dreams
With covetous hands always preserved


Now run the maze through your mind
As once you observed others delight
This rhyme is for the "you" who must love
Who would dance and play in plain sight....

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Lyre's lament

Lyre’s(Liars) Lament


A lyre’s lament
That plucked the string
Out flew an off key note
This liar's comment
In bitter rant
Out flew an empty quote


An easy yoke
Upon my back 
To plow the fields I've sown
In keeping with 
The proverbs path 
I reap the fruit alone


Where is the end 
To this recourse
That presses the boot so hard
There is no end
To my remorse
No longer to hold the card


I am trapped 
In loves grip
It's beauty to cage me there 
In my cell
Not all alone
But with two felon's do share


Was me and I 
That conceived the crime
The sentence passed so true
It was those bastards
That had no thought
Five victims two plus you


So as it ends
This liar's lament
Notes ringing out in chord
Resolved the debt
The price I pay 
Our love could not afford


Friday, January 2, 2009

Not Enough

Not Enough


 Flowery words are not enough

To take away one tragic push

That wiped any joyous memories away


I do not pretend to understand your mind

Nor, can I count the pieces of your shattered heart

Broken without regard to its existence


No promise made in haste

Will satisfy, or quench that longing

For the "what " that might be from here


With no support, to say I love you

Would only cause you more pain

Like the scrape of a dull blade across your flesh


The wound is to open and fresh

All that is dirty and nasty must be removed

To allow the healing that must occur


Though the scar will always remain

In time and through the hand of forgiveness

It is my desperate hope that we care again....


Caroline ( the Bloom)

Caroline (Bloom)



Among the thorns, a flower blooms

From smallest of buds, till now

When sunlight rushes to its call

Leaves whispering to know, just how


Could this be beauty, from rugged bush

Transforming to lovely, before our eyes

Through the storm clouds of darker days

To the peace of more brighter sky's


The warmth that bathed the started bloom

And pointed thorns that kept her charm

That hid her newness from the world

Crowdedly protecting her from selfish harm



A glimpse excited the garden in awe

As the bloom finally broke from its bed

For what the garden hoped to see that day

Was the beauty of a single bloom of red


In the days, the Spring of new life

She was the bloom all sought, so fine

And the gardener just smiled, as they gazed

At the wonderful beauty, of his Caroline



I found you there.... Visiting Carnton Plantation here in Franklin I found the name of a confederate soldier from South Carolin...