Saturday, August 2, 2014

Happy Birthday Mom! Mary Green


Mary Green would have been 80 Today,and everyday I miss her. I posted this originally the day after she went to be with her Lord. 

Last night my mother passed over after a long fight with cancer, and my family is in both mourning and  celebration for the beauty that the Lord God has shown to those that love him. We do not mourn as those whom have no hope. Blessed be the name of our God! 

She would have been 73 in August and was a woman of very special design. She was crazy, caring, quick to forgive ,for she had been forgiven much and knew the value of God's mercy. 

When I was little, our house was the place where all the children wanted to come, and she was the biggest reason for our popularity. She knew how to make a person feel welcome, and had a great ability to converse with anyone of any race , creed, or disposition. She was always active in anything her children were into, from Teen Club in Beaufort S.C. back in the 1960's and 70's, football , baseball, basketball, cheerleading, and even soccer ( long before there were soccer moms). Our house was always full.

She liked to panic about She was always in a hurry in my younger days, which is probably because she had to raise five kids while my father was overseas defending the United States. She did it, and all her children are alive and doing well. 

She wasn't nearly perfect and did many things that caused her family much grief, but so what! I have learned over many years to forgive...There is no other way to live. Even though I lived hundreds of miles away, we talked almost everyday and I looked forward to those conversations,growing a little more and each time knowing  more about this beautiful woman and why she was the person she came to be.

We will care for her remains by residing them in the same location as our father in Beaufort S.C., which even though we lived many places over the years, Beaufort was always "home". 

May we all remember to plead the "Fifth" , the Fifth Commandment that is, to honor our father and our mother in life and in eventual death, for they will all pass over one day. 

May all those who read this and take occasion to remember, honor , and maybe for most of us, forgive our parents in this life, so when this time comes you live  with no regret. Today what a peace it was for me to know that I had  for once in my life, left nothing to regret concerning the honoring of either my father , or mother. I have many regrets in my life, but not in respect to my parents.

God has reclaimed what was always his, blessed be the name of the Lord!

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I found you there.... Visiting Carnton Plantation here in Franklin I found the name of a confederate soldier from South Carolin...